look at that shit! aint' that so cool?! click on there to buy the record...other than your local record store...i like that place best.secondly:
you can stream my album track by track from beginning to end thanks to Steve Case and the fine folks at the America Online Corp of America LLC! how dumb is that?!
click here to stream POMEGRANATEgo there, and tell them i sent you!
third of all:
i got me a ring tone now! if you like what you hear from the record...you should download a ringtone so you can make yourself and all your friends really sick of one of my songs! HUZZAH! go here and check it out:
click here to buy ringtones!(OR you can just TEXT 'troublehunt' to 71777 to get the ringtone! So easy.)
i am the song of the day on NPR! holy smokes!
go to
npr.org and scroll down till you see me sitting with my three kids on the right! you can listen to the secret song from the album (which features a guest spot from my homie P.O.S of rhymesayers)...plus...they say some nice things about me.
look at all this nice shit that people have to say about the new record...
"If I were a sommelier, I would sound like a total idiot trying to describe Astronautalis...but his languorous baritone and adventurous songwriting make Astronautalis a refreshing and unexpected treat."-DeathAndTaxesMagazine.com"Just as the Rhymesayers and Anticon collectives persuaded adventurous rock fans to explore hip-hop, Astronautalis may just turn a few rap fans on to the sounds of American Gothic. "-npr.org"I suppose the most untouchable of the Anticon crew, Why?, would be the closest comparison, but with his gravely delivery, Bothwell is closer to Tom Waits, had the junkyard troubadour been raised on a steady diet of '90s indie rock and the Def Jam catalog. "and
"I wish all records were this exciting.
-The Portland Mercury
"this album is a complete masterpiece"
"Taking us from the life of a desperate conman, to a pre-Ian Fleming tale of an espionage during the Opium Wars, then to the heresy trial of William Robertson Smith, to Washington on the Delaware…if Thomas Pynchon picked up mic at Scribble Jam, he might sound like Astro in Pomegranate.
"we absolutely love it!"
"At first, particularly coming from The Mighty Ocean, the departure can be jarring, but just give Astronautalis a few moments to flash his conman's pearly whites (or gold grill as may be the case). He'll have your ears in bed with him before you have time to think.
"this album is great.
"The poppy thrills of Gnarls Barkley meet the literate ache of Tom Waits in an album that will make Bothwell's career"
-D Magazine
"This isn't another introspective angst driven tale instead it's sad gothic tales that transcend time. Somehow Astro can talk about the Opium trade and it sounds more personal then most singer song writers. Between John [Congleton] and Andy the stories are a history lesson and the musical arrangements are ahead of the time resulting in music as vivid as Tim BUrton on top of his game. Maybe even darker and def. more sentimental and raw.
"Buy it. Andy deserves your money.
-someone i don't know who bought the album from amazon
how about them apples?
pretty cool huh?
what do you think?