So our 4 days in germany are over and the shows were some of the best nights on this tour so far for merch. Last night in Köln we had a guest list full of great friends from all over the place. Couple people from germany, our friend from Australia that lives in amstredam now. Our great friend from the states that hasn't leave in the states in 5 years. So nice to people with great people on our last night in germany. My friend Brenda took me to the Köln Dom that was having Christmas going on. It was so much fun. We drank warm wine with amaretto in it. (Can't remember the german word for the drink). We had loaf's of bread with garlic and melted swiss cheese on it. We walked around before our show and had a great time. Then after the show our whole crew went to a german party and brenda and I found some Doner that wasn't "real" lamb we think. But we were so hungry it didn't matter. Today on our way to Brussels we went to an american bomber cemetery with soldiers from World War II which was amazing. Being there was such an amazing feeling. It was out on the countryside of Henri-Chappele,Belgium. The landscape was breathtaking. The land was as far as you could see. Just beautiful. Today was our last day off on the Tegan and Sara tour. Tomorrow is our last show with them. Its really become like we are part of their family. Tonight a handful of us went to dinner and after dinner Tegan,Andy,Chris,and myself went for drinks. Great conversation. Now Andy and I are back in our room and hitting the sack. We forget to get the password for the internet earlier so sleep is our only option. Which is nice because I could use some good sleep. Brussels is a pretty cool city and tomorrow it will be our first time to play in the city let alone the country. Then we have a drive day to get to our most favorite country aside from America which is the Czech Republic. We have 5 shows in CZR then one show in Vienna,Austria and one show in Lithuania. I sure hope to see friendly faces out at the shows. If you happen to read this blog and are out at a show. Please come by the merch table and say hi. If you don't know what I look like. I'll be the other guy with astronautalis that doesn't speak your language.
Brock Cummings
Model Citizens Entertainment
Artist Manager/ Project Coordinator
972.768.0899 - Cell
We just got into Berlin. We have several hours before we have to be at the venue. Which is great because we need to do laundry. It just so happens that today is Thanksgiving in America. This is the first time we have been on the road for Thanksgiving. So while america is off work watching football and eatting turkey or whatever it is you do for Thanksgiving. Andy and I are thankful to be in a laundry mat. Because I haven't done laundry since I've been in europe which has been 2 weeks. We are on the last 4 shows of the Tegan and Sara tour and it has flown by.
We are going to be in the Czech Republic in a week playing for our fans in small clubs and that's going to be awesome. A change of what this tour has been. But for sure familiar to what we are used to. Plus we love the Czech Republic so I'm excited and sad to leave this tour and the amazing new friends we have gotten to know so well.
My friend Brenda sent me a email wondering what's up with the lack of blogging. And to be honest I haven't had much time to collect my thoughts. Its probably the fact that we have been on the road damn near 9 months this year and so much as happened. We have had a successful year on so many levels. Got to come to Europe for the first time in February with no real idea of what would come of it and now we are in the middle of our 3rd trip here. That is so incredible. Never would we of thought that back in February. Getting to open for crowds as big as 2000 people. Its hard to find words to describe that.
Hamburg last night went well. Sold a lot of cd's. Which is nice. We stayed in the sex district. Which happened to be the area the Beatles played in for like 6 months back when they were a 5 piece. Our hotel was above a place called safari. Which is a place you can go and watch Live Sex. So I would wake up in the middle of the night and laugh at the fact that 3 floors below me people were on stage fucking. Germany aint neva scared.
Tonight in Berlin we have several friends coming to the show so it should be a great time. Got to go put my wash in the dryer. Until next time.
Brock Cummings
Model Citizens Entertainment
Artist Manager/ Project Coordinator
972.768.0899 - Cell
the ???th Earl of Bothwell in his Castle.
this year has been rather productive in the Checking Boxes Dept of my, "things to do before i die list". After this tour, i think my country count will be up to 19, i drank lots of funny drinks, ate tons of amazing food, made friends in foreign lands, and now...i can say i have been to Bothwell Castle. Scotland was more than i could expect...i have never responded so viscerally to a place like i did on the drive into Scotland from Manchester. It was more beautiful than i could have imagined, it felt oddly like home...i can't wait to return to claim it as such some day.
Insomnia is killing me, Tegan & Sara + their band & crew are making life worth living, their fans are scared of me at first, but beautifully open minded about the strange man that is yelling at them, and i am about to go to Sweden for the first time...i am exhausted...but happy.
"this is the story of my life..."
So tonight is the 3rd and last show in the UK. Last night in Manchester was sold out with 1000 screaming girls. Tonight is damn near sold out. Last night was on campus @ Manchester University. Tonight in Edinburgh, Scotland the show is in a super old theatre right next to this huge castle called Edinburgh Castle fitting, right! This tour so far has been unreal. The biggest crowds we have ever played in front. Today we had a short drive. We drove so amazing countryside in scotland and we saw more sheep than I have ever seen in my life. The 30 mile scenic route had me cracking up. Which happens every time I get to drive on ridiculous roads. Not only has the last 3 days been insane because I've been driving in the passengers seat and on the left side of the road. But the country is just beautiful. I for sure like scotland the best. Its the type of land I love driving thru. We were listening to the hold steady. Then andy put on mogawi which just made the land that much more pretty!
I started this blog at the beginning of the night. Now andy has performed and had a great response. And Tegan and Sara are about half way thru their set. Tonight the merch is in the same room as the show so I'm getting to see the entire set. They put on a great concert!
Until tomorrow!
Brock Cummings
Model Citizens Entertainment
Artist Manager/ Project Coordinator
972.768.0899 - Cell
As I type this I'm sitting on the 3 floor of the Shepherd Bush Empire in London. We have sound checked. Andy's taking a shower in our dressing room and I'm finally excited about this tour. We can never get to excited when we come to Europe because of the unknowns. This tour starts in the UK which all we have ever heard is getting into this country and being a "band" is nothing but a pain in the ass. The funny thing is it was so easy. Maybe because it was 7am on Friday the 13th and luck was on our side. Either way we made it thru custom. Next step was the rental car. I got okie doked and talked into a bigger car thinking it was a good idea. Andy got to telling me I had just got us a rental car that cost 3 times what he had reserved. So we had it for about 10 minutes. Got the little taco car and went to put in our address in the gps and I had forgot to load the UK maps on the gps. So we got to loading the maps. That took damn near 2 hours. So we slept in the car at the rental place in the airport. Now it was time to drive on the left side of the road and the right side in the car. Which is taking a lot longer than I thought to get used to. Its been raining all day. All and all this day hasn't been that difficult. Andy and I were on different flights and apparently I won because my flight was empty and with all the greatest technology. Andy on the other hand was on a plane from the 80's. I think they let you smoke on his plane. Tonight's show is SOLD OUT. Andy will be playing in front of 2000 people. So rad. This venue sell your merch for you and takes a cut. Which fucking sucks but dems the rules. I've been a handful of Tegan and Sara's crew. But not the 2 of them yet. This tour is going to be insane. Have I mentioned I have the best job ever? Hope all is well! For some reason I find myself blogging more in europe than in the Stated. Not sure why that is. Oh well.
Brock Cummings
Model Citizens Entertainment
Artist Manager/ Project Coordinator
972.768.0899 - Cell

FFFFest was astounding. I didn't see a single act that didn't bring their A-game--even with the wind, rain, and mud of day 2. Thanks to everyone who ran the fest and everyone who came out and made it funfunfun!